Ariane Bilheran Ph.D.

– The bringing to heel of July 12, 2021

Article planned to be published on Antipresse, subscribe (French website)
Exceptional authorization given for an early publishing here, in view of the current events.
A huge thank you to Slobodan Despot and to Antipresse, for keeping the contradictory views alive, and for tracing the narrow path of truth of the witnesses.
Website of the author:

We have pushed the logic so far in the liberation of human beings from the shackles of industrial exploitation, that we have sent about ten million people to forced labor in the Arctic regions and in the eastern forests, in conditions similar to those of the galley slaves of antiquity. We have pushed logic so far, that to settle a difference of opinion, we know only one argument: death."
Koestler, A. The Zero and the Infinite.

"We have pushed the logic so far in our health policy in the name of health for all, that we persecute the health caregivers, doctors, nurses, and the sick. Our new definition of health is the indifference to consent, denial of appropriate care and prescription by physicians. We care for the healthy (we call sick people who are not sick) and neglect the truly sick. The body of each citizen belongs to the State, which can use it as it pleases for its medical experiments, and whoever does not submit to it, we will neglect, mistreat and then kill, whether it is a patient who wanted to be treated, or health caregiver who wanted to work, could just as easily say a repentant senior member of the new party of the current health totalitarianism.

Emmanuel Macron's speech of July 12, 2021, was a wake-up call to French society. Power expressed itself in a tyrannical way, dividing society into two categories: the good and obedient citizens, and the others. On the others, coercion will be exercised; the power intends to "submit or dismiss". We are in the midst of mass harassment, and I will recall the definition I gave in 2006: "Harassment is a political phenomenon linked to the history of humanity. It "aims at the progressive destruction of an individual or a group by another individual or a group, by means of repeated pressure intended to obtain by force, something from the individual against his or her will and, in so doing, to create and maintain a state of terror in the individual" (Bilheran, 2006). Mode of expression of the abuse of power, of authoritarianism, of tyranny, it is opposed to the authority as the unjust power is opposed to the unjust power. It is the perfect method of enslavement used by paranoiac individuals, of which I often say that it is the "masterpiece."[1] "

Of course, such talk is traumatic and staggering. To claim the "choice of freedom" while imposing such constraints, with such violence (blackmail, threats etc.), on lives, would be a laughable paradox, if it did not have tragic consequences. 

What does harassment seek to do? [2] To lead to self-destruction. This self-destruction begins with the emotional inflammation caused by the harassers: fear, anger, rage, powerlessness, sadness, etc. Let us control our emotions. Let them be guides, but not in command. Because if the emotions command, they feed the sadism of the harassers. They make their pleasure. 

What do harassers fear? That we consider them as they are: madmen, perverts or paranoiacs who make crises of tyranny because they did not grow up, and remain psychically immature, without capacity to control their impulses of transgression and murder. And that we can oppose our indifference to them, that of the parent who will not give in to their whims. The people must educate their rulers, not the other way around. Ministers are etymologically the servants of the people. A government that pretends to educate its people easily turns into tyranny.

To do this, we must think carefully: what parts of our lives do the harassers have a hold on? It is useless to shout your anger at a stalker: he will enjoy it. Some people think that by eliminating the stalker's power, with revolutionary methods, the problem will be solved! Nothing is less certain, because the venom of paranoia has penetrated the social body, the mistrust of all against all, the cleavage and persecution of those judged "non-essential", useless, dangerous, or bad. It is not necessarily because the guru of the cult is eliminated that the cult stops. Sometimes the guru's head grows back. And it can even be worse.

On the other hand, to give nothing of oneself is a long process that requires a work of internal distancing, but necessary. We have the illusion of knowing ourselves. We naively believe that if our reference points were removed, we would not be able to cope. Totalitarianism risks pushing many people into the depths of their being, into that place of their being where they will experience unconditional love, transcendence, the life drive, spiritual energy as Bergson called it, which in turn will give them faith, strength, courage and determination.

The time for paranoiac persecution has come. The enemies seem to be designated but let us not be deceived. Never believe the language of perversion. It assures you that if you agree to do what you do not want to do, then you'll be fine, and everything will be fine for you. It demands that you give up a small piece of territory of yourself. Then, with Pandora's box open, you will always be asked for more, and more. This is the way perverse control works; the way mental and physical enslavement works. 

So, perhaps today some people are reassured, telling themselves that, if they are obedient citizens, they will be spared, since the vindictiveness designates a category of individuals, in particular in a social body henceforth considered sick, and that it would be appropriate to amputate. This is a mistake. 

In harassing systems, all those who submit obediently and zealously, hoping to get by, end up being persecuted and executed.

For paranoia is a reasoning madness; it must be understood that it has nothing rational about it and does not bother with contradictions. To hell with logic! Logic becomes what psychotic anguish requires: persecution, blood, deaths, to calm down, always temporarily. Also, it proceeds arbitrarily, and in waves. All totalitarianisms have acted in this way.

Solzhenitsyn noted the incredulity of the people; they thought they were good Bolshevik citizens, that they had nothing to be ashamed of, and yet they were not spared from being rounded up! This incredulity gave them the illusion that someone would see that they were innocent... but nothing could be further from the truth, because their error was the blind belief in the existence of rationality, in what was only a madness fraudulently borrowing the appearance of reason. 

Not to understand that it is a madness in the literal sense, a paranoiac psychosis that infuses its delusional contagion into the collective, makes one vulnerable.
The individual wastes time trying to justify a rational and reasonable logic to what is only inflated language of a delusion not embarrassed of the principle of non-contradiction! Not to prepare oneself psychologically for the outburst of violence is a mistake, too. For paranoia makes psychologically fragile individuals, and there are many of them, regress into the "banality of evil"[3], that which the traumatic charge of Emmanuel Macron's speech authorized this week in France. I have collected several testimonies of refusal of care to human beings in hospitals or clinics because they were not "vaccinated", in particular a blackmail for lung care in exchange for a mandatory vaccination to a non-vaccinated young person, or the refusal of dental care to a non-vaccinated senior citizen, or an ultimatum given to a diabetic person with an injury: she would no longer be accepted, even in an emergency, without a test or without what the authorities have agreed to call a "vaccine".

The French people are being harassed, and some, thinking that they can mitigate the violence of the harassment that have been done to them, are zealous in becoming the instruments of persecution of others. They probably have not understood how it works either... Arbitrariness, the logic of quotas, the search for the eternal movement allowing to ensure the control of the masses are the springs of the totalitarian power's acts. How much mistreatment, how much distress, how much suffering, how much persecution, how many deaths, will this new regime leave in History? What is certain is that it will not stop there.

The paranoiac psychosis always engages at the end of the totalitarian surge, before dying in an exsanguine rattle, in the pools of blood that it has itself provoked.

Since, for more than a year, we have been talking only about illness and death, the time has come for this type of metaphysical questioning: at the time of my death, will I be at peace with my conscience concerning my past, my acts, my words? For there will be nothing else that we will take with us, but the moral scruples that our conscience is the master of, and that it opposes us in its mirror. "The eye was in the grave and looked at Cain"[4]... is this what we desire for ourselves?

Totalitarianism forces a choice, the non-choice becoming a choice by default: either to accept to be swallowed in the giant octopus, renouncing one's intimacy and all that constitutes one's individuality (the total sacrifice demanded by paranoia), or to declare the human being sacred as governed, not by the new laws of the new totalitarian normality, but by transcendent and immutable laws (not to kill, not to transgress).

Here we are again and again back to Creon and Antigone. 

Where to place the sacred in our existence?

"There are only two conceptions of human morality, and they are at opposite poles. One of them is Christian and humanitarian, declaring the individual to be sacred, and asserting that the rules of arithmetic should not be applied to human units - which in our equation represent either zero or infinity. The other conception starts from the fundamental principle that a collective end justifies all means, and not only allows but requires that the individual be in any case subordinated and sacrificed to the community - which can dispose of him/her either as a guinea pig to be used in an experiment, or as a lamb to be offered in sacrifice."[5]

Only Literature is capable of restituting the totalitarian experience, because it invites to return into the private life, this private life that the paranoiac power wants to devour, in a cannibal way, by blocking the emergency exits to the incorporation, the privacy of the feelings, the states of mind, the vibration of the being in prey to its doubts, to its wanderings, to its despair but also to its will, to its aspirations, to its decisions, to its convictions. Within the framework of the "Literature and Totalitarianism" workshops,( course available for now, only in French) which will take place from August 12, 2021, I will put Koestler's Zero and Infinity[6] to work.

One last word: we are only passing through... in this "theatrum mundi", where we all play roles, of which we are more or less dupes, where we judge each other (bad citizens endangering others by not accepting the constraints imposed by the government, bad citizens contributing to the loss of liberties etc.), I suggest that we return at this moment to Husserl's phenomenological method, which I perceive more and more to have been conceptualized in reaction to the Nazi totalitarian ideology: the phenomenological method of the Nazi regime is not the same as that of the Nazi regime. ), I suggest that we return at this moment to Husserl's phenomenological method, which I increasingly perceive to have been conceptualized in reaction to the Nazi totalitarian ideology: epoch. 

What is epoch? It is the suspension of judgment, a salutary antidote to the paranoiac over-interpretation that has contaminated the social space. To suspend one's judgment in the face of delusion, not to try to enter it or to understand it at all costs, to suspend one's judgment in the face of the overexposure of the signs and the interpretations given. Suspending judgment and distancing oneself from it, so as not to sink into the projective mirror effects (which we see so often in stalker phenomena), and in particular, not to sink into "the end justifies the means", a political adage according to which, in order to free oneself from the tyrant, and in the name of another tyrannical ideal (freedom and abolition of the oppressor "at all costs"), it becomes permissible to become a tyrant in turn by using similar methods 

Ataraxia (suspension of emotions - absence of emotional disorders) and epoch (suspension of judgment) are tools of philosophy, which can help in witnessing, because it is the witness who will ultimately humanize this whole affair, in that he will inscribe the traces and the memory and will bring to life the Latin adage "Homo sum humani a me nihil alienum puto"[7]. "I am a man, and nothing human is foreign to me”.
Ariane Bilheran, 
normalienne (Ulm), philosopher, clinical psychologist, 
doctor in psychopathology, 
specialized in the study of manipulation, paranoia, 
perversion, harassment, and totalitarianism.

[1] "Harassment, the masterpiece of paranoia," article in Mental Health No. 243, December 2019.œuvre-de-la-paranoia
[2] For those who wish to deepen the mechanisms of harassment, I refer to my sum on the subject:
[3] To use Hannah Arendt's expression...33
[4] Poem "La Conscience" by Victor Hugo.
[5] Koestler, A. Zero and Infinity.
[7] Terence taken up by Montaigne in the famous "I am a man, and nothing human is foreign to me".
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