Ariane Bilheran Ph.D

- The perverse prelude on the body

Revised august 16,2021

Published on Antipresse #296


Author: Ariane Bilheran, a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm), philosopher, clinical psychologist and doctor of psychopathology, specializes in the study of manipulation, paranoia, perversion, harassment and totalitarianism.

"The proper object of biopolitics is the "Bare life" (zôè), which designated for the Greeks "the simple fact of living", common to all living beings (animals, men or gods), distinct from the "qualified life" (bios), which indicated "the form or way of living proper to an individual or a group".

Giorgio Agamben[1].

It is indeed this pretension to govern this bared life, which has clearly appeared since the first quarter of 2020: the restrictions of movements to the point of immobilization (lockdowns, isolation), the distance imposed between bodies (the "social distancing"), the reduction of faces to the scopic impulse (the sole gaze), the constrained breathing etc. From now on, compulsory injection is the unavoidable initiation of the new "social contract" drawn up to the rhythm of frenetic nights in the National Assembly in France. Social, economic, and political life, access to health care, education and leisure, in other words, "civilization", will soon be allowed only to the initiated: those who have received the body markings required by the power.


To establish the totalitarian logic, Hannah Arendt noted the use of secret society methods: anyone not included by rituals is excluded; divergent opinions are suppressed; total loyalty is demanded. Obsessive-compulsive rituals have penetrated the social space for months, and condemned to perpetual traumatic repetition, through the reminder of submission: washing one's hands before going to the merchants of the temple, for example. The body is reduced to a muzzle with a leash: currently under consideration are an electronic bracelet that will indicate how far away you are allowed to move, and "even more intrusive measures" including the beeping dog collar![2]


Prohibited to non-vaccinated people and to dogs, one can read in some places, called "cultural".


It is a violent control on the individual, annihilating the symbolic body. The computer virus is the dominant model. An "infected" individual is considered to be a computer "in need of cleaning". "The Great Reset" is a large-scale economic operation that uses computer terminology. It would be a mistake to reduce the current totalitarian phenomenon to the health field alone. For the pseudo-logic of paranoia is a global relationship to the world based on ideological beliefs, organized around the persecution of the human being. With Emmanuel Macron's speech in France, on July 12, 2021, it was made official that the citizen's body is the property of the Sovereign. The Sovereign is no longer the people, as in the long-revered Rousseauist democracy, but a ruling caste fanatical about control and transhumanism, which intends not only to constrain bodies, but to make them bend. “My body, my choice” is now only a vague memory of feminist claims from an ancient era. The body belongs to the Suzerain, and it is this, among other things, that has caused trauma in this speech. "Freedom!" The protestors shouted. Bodies rise up in the street in response to the totalitarian ambition to constrain and enslave them. What if we refuse this marking? Punishment, blackmail, banishment, ostracism, and persecution. "O si, o si", as the saying goes in Spanish, only one possible answer: the people must comply.


Totalitarian dehumanization implies the de-sacralization of the human body. Perverse instrumentalization precedes the annihilation of bodies because perversion is the chief adjutant of paranoiac psychosis in its mortifying project of total destruction. It rolls out the red carpet for the creation of the "new man" by eradicating the "old man". The paranoiac delusion perceives the social body no longer as a set of individuals, but as a mass that literally forms a body, and which would be sick. In order to save the whole, parts would have to be sacrificed. But the persecution felt by the power will not cease, it will be extended in an arbitrary way to the totality of the citizens, experienced as diffuse in this great body. There is a delusional hypochondria of endogenous interpretation, according to the equation:

1° I feel discomfort in my body.

2° =  My body persecutes me.

3° = I must persecute my body so that this discomfort stops.

This is the paranoiac method applied to the masses.


Until now, bodies have been implicitly reduced to their productive capacity. What was present but hidden became visible: among the "compelling reasons" to be invoked this year was work.


Work was considered more compelling than the birth of a grandchild, for example. You could come from abroad to France to work, not to help a relative in difficulty, nor to welcome a birth into your family. If the body no longer produces enough, or if it is "non-essential": we harass and throw away. Monitored and trained, the biological body gradually becomes an instrument of politics: each individual is absorbed as a "member" of the social body, whose actions are controlled. The body is an inert container that can be touched by a virus if it is not wearing a mask, with a statistical management of infected or non-infected bodies: the individual is reduced to a "case", and the body to a mechanical and interchangeable state. The opposite of medicine! If medicine is an art, it is because precisely in health care, the doctor must know, from his experience, his knowledge, his therapeutic talent, which treatments to give to this particular patient, with his history, at this moment of his existence, and according to his predispositions, his anamnesis, his habits, his temperament, and his health "terrain". In the totalitarian phenomenon, it is the same answer for all: all bodies are equal. To hell with the dangers of post-vaccination anaphylactic shock [3], the initiation ritual of integration into the new social body must inevitably involve a danger of death. There must be a real initiation, one that is signed in the blood, otherwise it doesn't count.


Whether it is a question of exhibiting the naked body at all costs, or of confining bodies in unbearable shackles, it is the very status of the body in its social visibility that is at stake. The body becomes the mark of ideology: in skirts for boys, completely concealed for religious fundamentalism, hypersexualized for little model girls, soiled, raped and fetishized in the modern aesthetics of the "new normal" (cf.Christ on the cross bathed in the artist's blood and urine [4]- note that the Corsicans did not appreciate the exhibition [5]-, "the Queen's Vagina" at Versailles [6], the anal plug at the Place Vendôme [7]).


Some media outlets have gone so far as to suggest that it would be advisable to wear a mask during intimate sex, in the bedroom. Why not whips and handcuffs, while we're at it, and cameras so that the totalitarian power can monitor whether the lovemaking is taking place according to the codes in force? I remind you that the French Ministry of Health, through the site, has, for years, selected its seven favorite sexual positions to be transmitted to children (site without age limit, recommended at school to children from 11 years old)[8]. Seven, and no more. With the "sexual rights", it is not a question of encouraging a fulfilled sexuality, but of traumatizing from a youngest age and of controlling the way of enjoyment of the future adults: as long as it is without love! The "sexual rights” plan for the teaching of prostitution (according to the WHO, for people aged 15 and over, the teaching of "sexual relations of a transactional nature (prostitution, but also sex in exchange for small gifts, meals, outings, small sums of money), pornography)"[9]: "my body belongs to me", “my body, my choice” now means the apology of prostitution: I have the right to trade my body.


What a curious freedom it is to transgress and be transgressed.


Let's sum up the "new normal": sex without love, art without beauty, medicine without care, politics without the citizen.


Certain large industrialists and financiers who have been very present in health ideology since 2020 are also present in the WHO's "sexual and reproductive rights". The "Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe", a scientific rag founded on pro-pedophile lobbies, promotes sexuality as a "subject" to be taught from "0 years", with the adult as a "partner", and " skills " to be validated, without any consideration for the child's psychic development, but also "custom-made babies " and other joyful things


To speak of this institutional perversion exposes one to unimaginable reprisals (slander, insults, death threats, etc.) In the population, taboo and denial reign: no one wants to know the real nature of this transgressive project for children.


Let there be no mistake.

The sanitary facade has allowed the advance of other facets of world totalitarianism.


In totalitarianism, the body is traded, in parts or in totalities. Your consent is presumed to be implied, for example, for organ donation. The same is true of the WHO's "vaccine" policy, which now uses "implied consent"[10] If you have not expressed a refusal, you are assumed to consent. This reminds me of an article in the journal Sexology, edited by, among others, John Money (pioneer of sex change surgery in young children, within the Kinsey team). Beryl H. Levy, a law professor, publishes an article on "What is rape? where the issue addressed is the "lack of consent": "It must be shown that the woman fought like a tiger. It must be proven that she resisted with all her strength and with all the means at her disposal: fists, feet, nails, teeth, screams etc. Some experts are of the opinion that it is impossible for a man to rape a healthy woman of average strength..."[11].


With perverts, it's always non-violent isn't it: your consent is always presumed!


Without going into the details of current developments, we are talking about a Huxley-like world: test-tube babies, artificial wombs, the abolition of filiation and the family, genetic manipulation, the creation of human/animal chimeras, euthanasia, etc. All of this is enhanced by the traditional abuse of the rich against the poor, coupled with the misogyny of a most ancestral patriarchy: poor females, with exploited bodies, to produce babies for rich consumer males.[12].


With the totalitarian project, the body is constrained, immobilized as much as exposed, an object of experimentation, of transgression, especially sexual; the body is reduced to its production capacity and its market value, in its entirety or in parts. Perverse violence marks the bodies, exhibits them in their suffering, mechanizes them, transgresses them, equalizes them, treats them interchangeably. By de-animating the body (by removing its soul), it provides the bedrock for paranoiac ambition: the pure and simple annihilation of bodies, and hence of minds.


Notes :

[1]Homo Sacer, Sovereign power and Bare life ,, 1999 ;

Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive

[2]"The three senators also echo the idea of Swedish company Essity, which had wanted to equip its employees with a connected box to enforce distancing, in January 2021. Worn around the neck, it was to emit a sound of 85 decibels, the equivalent of an alarm clock, if two employees were too close. "

[3]On the night of July 25-26, 2021, an amendment was proposed in the Frenc Parliament to exempt people at risk of anaphylactic shock from the health pass. The amendment was rejected.

[4]Piss Christ by Andres Serrano.


[6] Anish Kapoor.

[7] Mc Carthy.

[8], cf. my book The Imposture of The Sexual Rights Soon to be published in English. Available in French on Amazon

[9]Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe, p.49.


[11]What is Rape?, article from Sexology, June 1961, pp.744-748.

[12] "at the "Men having babies" show, firms catalogue a range of potential surrogate mothers who agree ¾ for pay ¾ to carry a child. The overall price of a child - reduced to a commodity - is between $95,000 and $160,000.»

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