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We are volunteers that are dedicated to the protection of children and the restoration of healthy and thriving society.

Our work is only financed by generous donors aware of the necessity of broadcasting important studies and knowledge

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The books we are translating are essential for understanding



  • Hidden scientific or historical facts or files
  • Strategies of mass manipulation used to modify people behaviors
  • Psychopathology of paranoia
  • Hyper sexualization and loveless sexuality
  • The corruption of minors


  • Educate ourselves
  • Learn to analyze a text or a speech to avoid manipulation
  • Face reality
  • Take right actions to respond intelligently to a situation (response-ability)
  • Protect, support and guide children
  • Restore love bonds between human beings


Totalitarianism has never been fully considered from the angle of a disease of civilization, a collective delusional pathology, on the side of psychopathology, with the ramifications that follow.

This is what Ariane Bilheran proposes in this psychological and philosophical essay on total power in politics.

She demonstrates that totalitarianism is a paranoiac system in which perverse, sadistic, transgressive and psychopathic pathologies take precedence. The system's survival depends on a primary lie maintained in secrecy, the indoctrination of masses into the ideology, and the terrorization of individuals and groups, resulting in traumatic shock, pleasure for some and horror for others.

The emphasis is on the pathological alliance between paranoia and perversion to break bonds and destroy the subjectivity and bodies of individuals, reduced to the status of instruments, or worse, inert, interchangeable objects of commodity. Everyone is susceptible to being drawn into the delusional contagion, the mechanisms of which are precisely explained here.

From this profound journey into the madness of power, the author also explores the authentic spiritual experiences that have been made in the bosom of hell, like so many manifestations of a human cry that meets its freedom at the heart of its despair.

This book is designed for professionals, but also for anyone who wants to know more about this pathology.

It aims essentially to provide effective semiological tools for diagnostic criteria. It intends, once and for all, to make clear the fundamental difference between delusions of persecution in schizophrenia (called paranoid delusions) and paranoiac delusions.

It intends to explain the modes of contagion of delusion, of paranoiac fascination, but also to lift the veil on the links between paranoia, social, politic, group, mass.

  • Excerpt #1

    Paranoia is a very singular mental pathology, comparable to no other, for several reasons. 

    The first one is that it often escapes the diagnosis, by its character of "reasoning madness" which gives it an appearance of normality. 

    The second reason is that it generates so many unconscious fears that we prefer not to name it, to unjustly substitute the concept of perversion, whereas there is a profound difference of degree, even of nature, between the two, even if there are similarities and alliances.

    The third is that this madness creates reality through its language, and that to name it would mean to give it life. However, it is one of the most fascinating of pathologies, because it seems capable of rewriting a completely illusory world, to which the majority of people are able to adhere. 

    This power of control, of psychic capture, of alienation is one of the great talents of paranoia.

    Paranoia is the pathology that has always, with few exceptions, ruled the world and has produced tyrants. By reversing rationality, emotions and roles, paranoia in itself is enough to drive one mad.

    In fact, the one who denounce paranoia is often the one that is accused of paranoia! 

    Distinguishing what it is all about requires a lot of rigor, analysis and precision. And above all, clarity of mind. 

    Excerpt: Psychology of Paranoïa Introduction

  • Excerpt #2

    According to the DSM-IV international manual of psychiatry, paranoia has the following symptoms:

    "A. Suspicious, pervasive distrust of others, with malicious interpretations of intent, which appears in early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts, as evidenced by at least 4 of the following 7 manifestations:

    - The subject has an unreasonable suspicion that others will exploit, harm, or deceive him or her

    - He is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or fidelity of his friends or associates

    - The subject is reluctant to confide in others because of an unwarranted fear that the information will be used perfidiously against them

    - The subject discerns hidden, humiliating, or threatening significances in innocuous comments or events

    - He holds a grudge, that is, he does not forgive being hurt, insulted, or disdained

    - He perceives attacks against his person or his reputation to which he will react by counter-attack or anger

    - Repeatedly questions the fidelity of a spouse or sexual partner without justification

    B. It does not occur exclusively during the course of schizophrenia, mood disorder with psychotic features, or other psychotic disorder and it is not due to the direct psychological effects of a general medical condition.

    The organizing belief of paranoia is:

    You have to be on guard/you can't trust people/I mustn't let it happen to me." »

    It should be noted that the DSM IV maintains the confusion between schizophrenia and paranoia, between schizo-paranoid delusions and paranoiac delusions, and that this confusion has been present in the United States for several years, even two or three decades, to the great detriment of clinical and psychopathological comprehension. 

    In fact, as we shall see infra, the schizophrenic is very often the victim of the paranoiac, independently of the fact that the persecutory delusion has nothing to do with its form or even its content, so to include in the term "paranoid " the schizophrenic persecution delusion and the paranoiac persecution delusion is a serious error in the clinical reasoning.

Our work is only funded by generous donors who have understood the importance of disseminating internationally the work of ethical experts and the emergency to act for protecting children and the foundations of our society. 


  • salaries of translators, proofreaders
  • related expenses for books' editing, publishing and promotion


  • Broadcast worldwide important studies that can become references  for health professionals or courts of law and help restore a balance in the world.
  • Offer concrete answers and solutions to people.
  • Allow multiple readers to archive these studies, defeat the censure and transmit them.
  • Participate to the shift of consciousness and children's protection

Thank You for Your generous participation for allowing the publication of this important book.

A study of the official texts of  the WHO and IPPF regarding Sexual Rights for ALL including children and any people's "sexual orientation"

 Now available on Amazon. Click on the book cover for ordering.

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