Laurence Leroy, Psychologist from France

What are the consequences of the health measures since 2020 on the mental health  of people and clinical observations of our governors.

As a psychologist and citizen, I must speak up and invite my fellow therapists and psychologists to testify to the psychological damages created by this anxiety-provoking atmosphere, these contradictory injunctions organized around COVID 19.

To remain silent would be to fail to assist people in danger and to be complicit in the deterioration of people's mental health.

OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF FRANCE, Emmanuel MACRON, the Minister of Health, and collaborators of all kinds, media, health care and educational staff, parents, citizens, etc.

By the anxiety-provoking, deadly media hype, by the failure to take into account observations, research and medical analyses of the world's greatest professors, by the paradoxical and contradictory injunctions, by the forced changeovers of repressive laws voted without parliament, by the increasingly numerous censures, by the prohibitions made to doctors to treat freely, by the measure’s barriers preventing education professionals to carry out their work properly, by the over-invested sanitary measures and the morbid climate nourished every day.


This anxiety-provoking atmosphere contributes to aggravate existing psychic disorders or pathologies such as phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, hypochondriac disorders, nosophobia, paranoia, etc...

Social distancing actively participates in reinforcing depressions through isolation, social withdrawal, reduction of social bonds, distrust, and guilt. The alarmist context participates actively in the increase of suicides by installing a new loveless, dehumanized norm.

By recalling every day for the past 7 months an insecure present and future, by creating false debates concerning medication, the wearing of masks stigmatizing each other, social cleavages are created, a division of people, an intolerance to the freedom to think and to position oneself.

By maintaining fearful and morbid information, more and more symptoms are fostered in people and children who were in good health: excessive fear of death, death anxiety, sleep disorders, emotional deficiency, psychological distress leading to compensatory processes (eating disorders, increasing use
of computer screens, addictive behaviors), anxiety, school phobia, learning disorders, dropping out of school, compulsive, and obsessive consulting of information, focusing on the body at the slightest sign of illness, OCD.

By cultivating doubt, fear and toxic information, we teach our children fear of the outside world, fear of others who are deadly dangerous, fear of feeling as healthy carrier or contagious, with the only outcome of living as a "bad object" leading to all kinds of symptoms and somatizations.

Confinement has weakened the regulation of social interactions by plunging some into a permanent and harmful promiscuity, others into a desperate loneliness.

Through the wearing of masks and social distancing, this contributes to the insecurity of our children by hindering the direct and spontaneous relationship with others, through the loss of reference points and information on what the other feels.

By brandishing the specter of the 2nd wave every day, letting the threat of imminent danger loom large and everywhere, it participates in shaking the internal security of each person.

Paradoxes and contradictions maintain the confusion between fantasy and reality.

By arbitrary decisions, thousands of people have been deprived of accompanying their loved one, their relatives at the end of their life, of the last words exchanged, of the care of their deceased's body, of the warm and supportive gathering essential to the mourning process, giving way to an immense and irreparable trauma, to a crying and deaf pain of having been dispossessed of any right to be present and loving.

Complications in the grieving process may result.

In more technical terms, by maintaining fear every day, by distilling a massive dose of daily stress, it promotes neurobiological disorders that weaken the limbic system, the central nervous system responsible for regulating stress, emotions, "coping". This deteriorates the internal capacity of people regarding the regulation process to maintain balance despite external constraints.

Through this overdose of stress and contradictions, the ability to think, to connect and to elaborate is damaged.

All this climate of extreme distrust contributes to the reinforcement of defense mechanisms: cleavage, projection, denial, avoidance, blockages and so on.

Citizens are insidiously pushed into acting-out, which would be nothing more than some attempts
to release pervasive anxiety or discharges of excessive internal tension in the face of incoherent,
arbitrary, and abusive political management.

"Dissonance" of interpersonal bonds, "process of detachment" can be set up by installing distrust in the other.


I observe a tyrannical behavior towards citizens and professionals through control, intimidation, and censorship of pathological structures.

I observe a willingness to impose a one-way thinking to which everyone should adhere under threat and sanction.

I observe an all-powerful behavior, self-proclaiming itself as a "therapeutic state", allowing itself to override laws, doctors, violating the Hippocratic oath and codes of ethics.

I observe behind measures that would seem to be apparently for security, multiple manipulations through misinformation and contradictory injunctions with a delusional and perverse will to make people overestimate the seriousness of the situation in favor of the loss of confidence in their ability to cope (through taking care of oneself).

I see a willingness to reinforce the guilt and stigmatization of anyone who thinks otherwise.

I observe a total absence of critical thinking, remorse, a will to convince without any relation to reality.

I observe actions against professionals, parliamentarians, citizens (excluding them from scrutiny right and opposition), censorships, controls, and sanctions.

I observe a will to subjugate, to infantilize people through psychic wounds and flaws primary fears and anxieties of survival, threat of annihilation, emotional confusion, primitive fear of cruelty, astonishment, persecution, and guilt of people.

I observe a persecutory dimension through the destruction of meaning and significance of the measures taken, an attachment to a political ideology or a world of hyper control.

I observe a narcissistic seduction through flattering speeches about our obedience disguised as responsibility, solidarity, a narcissistic seduction behind an appearance of the savior's benevolence, a false understanding attitude, all these measures being for our own good...

I observe an absence of morality, of guilt.

I observe the use of repeated lies despite the evidence of the reports of our specialists and doctors, pneumologists etc., the use of threats, blackmail, disregard for medical authorities.

I observe an absence of emotion in favor of intellect and calculation.

These behaviors are due to pathological structures.


How can we understand this deafening silence of health professionals, this collective submission, this acceptance of the unspeakable, of the abuse of our elders, our children and ourselves, this renunciation of our rights and freedom, this absence of anger?

How can some caregivers encourage mask-wearing, as they are in the best position to know the risks of respiratory infections that this can cause, as stated by our pneumologists?

How do teachers, who are usually so reactive, agree to teach under these conditions with butterflies in their stomachs?

How can we ignore or turn a deaf ear to so many coarse signs pointing out the inconsistencies that should push us to be better informed?

Is the population suffering from Stockholm syndrome?

Is it the only consequence of perverse and organized manipulation?

Is it the result of this meticulously orchestrated brainwashing (even in the various TV commercials that have been updated with masked people, announcements and reminders of the presence of the disease and their constraints in all public spaces, stores, highways, transportation...)? by signs, voice messages, written images touching on our most archaic primary fears related to our survival, the fear of dying, the fear of rejection, the fear of losing one's job, the fear of being pointed at, of no longer being recognized by one's peers, the fear of contaminating?
Governments, in their symbolic value, would represent a bit the status of the "good parent" in whom one needs to have absolute trust, security, support, understanding, protection and to whom one owes a certain loyalty.

Would we still be trapped in this alliance to the point of silence?

To consider, to admit, to recognize that the parent is not "good and kind" is often unthinkable for the human brain, the psyche because it constitutes a threat of psychic collapse, of depressive elements, of too strong and unbearable disillusionment?

Also, I ask the government to stop these pressures, intimidations, and massive controls of professionals and citizens through threats of disbarment, administrative or penal sanctions, and to take their rightful place.

I ask for an end to all this psychic mistreatment deteriorating the mental health and consequently, the physical health of people.

I encourage all people to speak again in order to get out of "the discourse associated with danger", to regain their power to think, to inform themselves differently, to choose, to position themselves.

I encourage people to take care of themselves, to recover their joy of living fully without arbitrary restrictions at a time when we would like to make people feel guilty for taking pleasure.

I encourage people to love, share, exchange, support each other and live.
I encourage people to be together again in solidarity.

Laurence Leroy, Psychologist, FRANCE
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